One of the major obstacles to achieving goals is losing the
motivation necessary to finish them. Many times the initial
surge of energy is lost after the reality of hard work or set
backs sets in. Here are eleven things that can be done to
maintain high motivation.
1. Every day, write down your top three goals . This will keep
your goals constantly in your mind, creating an urgency.
2. Think about your top three goals and decide what one
thing you can finish today which will bring you one step
closer to your goals. By doing this 365 days a year, you will
be making constant progress toward your success.
Progress is a great motivation.
3. Upon awakening in the morning, mentally review your
day. If there is any challenge you have to accomplishing your
goal, mentally visualize yourself successfully working
through the challenge. This mental practice will give you
added confidence when encountering this challenge.
4. Keep a journal next to your bed. If you wake up in the
middle of the night with a means of more easily
accomplishing your goal, write it down. This saves you from
losing those great ideas we tend to think of in the middle of
the night.
5. At night, in your journal, write down the one thing you feel
best about that happened to you during the day.This
exercise will help you focus on
the positive things that happen to you as opposed to the
negative which seem to predominate our thinking.
6. Chart your progress toward your goal. Create a way to
visually see your progress through barometers, pie charts,
comparison charts or other means. Seeing your progress
helps you stay motivated.
7. Develop positive affirmations about yourself and your
goals.These will help you dispel negative self talk which
inhibits your success.
8. Visualize your success.Mentally practice seeing yourself
accomplishing your goal. This "skull practice" will trick your
subconscious into thinking you're already successful,
therefore enabling you to act successful.
9. Review "why" you want to accomplish your goal.Your
reasons for wanting your goals are the motivational thrust
needed to get you through tough times. Identify what they
are and remind yourself daily.
10. Eliminate negative people from your life. Negative
people will look for ways to sabotage you. They influence
you with their negative talk.
11. Read books on self development and listen to
motivational tapes. Just as you work at your physical health,
you must work at your mental health. You must constantly
feed your mind positive thoughts
Margo Chevers, author of the books, What Do You Want to
Be When You Grow Up? and How to Get Up on a Down Day,
has been providing sales and customer service seminars
and consulting to a diverse cross-section of industries for
the past 15 years. To receive her free 10 top tips for
exceptional customer service, call (800) 858-0797 or email