There is hardly anything more personal that what motivates each of us to perform in a work environment. Here's some insight into how to choose the best "carrot" to motivate both yourself ... and others.
Core belief: "I need to be in charge of what I do, for whom and when."
These independent problem-solvers must feel in charge, whether working in their own business or for someone else. Their biggest motivation is autonomy. They truly enjoy taking responsibility for their own successes and failures.
Best carrot: A bonus, a piece of the action, or a performance-based commission. If this is you ? most likely just having your own business is a huge carrot in itself!
Core belief: "I'm working to live ... not living to work."
These high-energy folks want to enjoy their work, but consider it a means to an end. They want time to pursue their own personal interests.
Best carrot: Free time to pursue their passions ? time off, additional vacation days, or perhaps flex-time. If this is your "style," you might want to think about finding a way to integrate your passion with a business of your own. This is true entrepreneurial motivation!
Core belief: "Stretch me. I need to be learning."
These folks value a work situation where they're being stretched, or acquiring new skills. They're easily bored with routines or lack of challenging assignments. They want to advance in their career, and identify more with their profession than with an employer.
Best carrot: Send them to a skill-building course or seminar. Is this you? Most self-made millionaires agree that the best "skill" to pursue is increased self knowledge!
Core belief: "I'll do whatever I need to do to get ahead."
True career builders evaluate their work in terms of true opportunities for advancement and increased responsibility. They tend to be ambitious, and status and prestige are primary motivation.
Best carrot: The chance to head a high-profile project, and get open recognition for the results. Is this you? Think about joining some professional associations and taking a position of leadership!
Core belief: "I have to be true to my own insights."
Independent thinkers won't sacrifice their personality or personal creativity in favor of a company role. They are often very spontaneous and creative.
Best carrot: Ask them what they want ? and try to give them what they ask for. If you're one of those independent thinkers, you should probably begin to think about being in business for yourself! Then YOU can decide what you want, and give it to yourself!
Core belief: "I'm a people person."
Team players bond strongly with their team or work group. They take much of their identity from belonging to a team, and are usually not happy working alone. They are extremely loyal to their team, and need to work with people they enjoy.
Best carrot: A chance to play with their team members. How about a team picnic or ski trip? If you are a team player ? a good way to climb up the success ladder would be to join a team committed to starting a new venture. But make sure you feel good about the other players!
The author, Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, is a doctor of psychology, pioneer brain/mind researcher, and former advisor to the Pentagon, a Presidential Commission, and numerous top executives and executive teams.
The author of several books and hundreds of articles, she is also the co-founder of, and the Creative Director of the Self Discovery Community. She can be reached at:
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