To Feel Confident ? A C T
A new, more exciting and happier life is yours when you know how to
build your confidence. You can do it with these three simple steps.
You grow in confidence by accepting challenges and overcoming
obstacles. The three elements involved in becoming more confident are
represented by the word ACT.
A stands for ACTION
You have to do something to overcome obstacles in order to grow in
confidence. In other words, do not say, "When I get confidence, then I
will sing." First you start singing. Then, as you sing, you will grow in
confidence. The secret is that first you must take action without having
confidence in order to build confidence. The next two steps are what
make your action effective.
C stands for COURAGE
It takes a lot of courage to act when confronted with difficult obstacles
and challenges. Without courage most people simply stay in their
comfort zones.
How to get courage
You get courage in many ways. The best way is an inner belief that you
can do it no matter how discouraging things get. Most people don't have
this strong inner belief, and, therefore, need encouragement. As you can
see, the actual word -courage- is inside the word encouragement.
You can get encouragement is from other people. Cheerleaders in your
life can give you the energy and motivation you need to keep on going.
Be your own cheerleader. Imagine a time when you were confident and
use that experience to give you courage in your new adventure.
Powerful encouragement can also come from reading inspirational
books and poems, and from listening to audio CD's and watching
T stands for Target
You must have a goal in mind that you want to accomplish. You need
something to aim at. At the same time you need to be open to
unexpected results. You may get a pleasant surprise, a result that is
different from, and even better than you expected.
By - taking action - with courage - aimed at a clear target-, you will be
accomplishing your goal and at the same time building your confidence.
This confidence will carry over to help you conquer bigger and more
difficult challenges in other areas of your life.
How confident are you? The author, Harriet Meyerson, founder of The
Confidence Center, will give you a Confidence Quiz and weekly
confidence building tips in her email newsletter. When you subscribe
you will also receive a list of the Top Ten Employee Morale Boosters,
and the Top Ten Confidence Boosters. They are F.r.e.e on her web at
Copyright Harriet Meyerson. At The Confidence Center we work with
companies who want to raise employee morale and confidence ? on a
shoestring budget. We offer seminars, telephone seminars, books,
eBooks and many more resources.
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