
The Simple Secret To Lasting Motivation

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This is a key to lasting motivation and beating procrastination.

If you have friends who are highly driven business people, spend time with them whenever you want a motivational boost. You will feel charged up and more ambitious after meeting them. And it's fun.

Of course if all you did was talk business every evening your life would become one-dimensional pretty quickly.

At the other end of the spectrum you can also socialize with people who drift through life with no dreams for the future with no goals that really excite them.

Still, these are good people and you can enjoy their company. I do know however that if you spend all your time with your unmotivated friends you will over time question your drive and ambition.

Eventually you will become less inclined to set inspiring goals for the future and one day you might even give up on wanting to grow as a person.

Who are you spending your time with? At work? In your leisure time?

There is a time and place for everyone and you can still enjoy the company of a wide range of people. Just bear in mind that if you gradually spend more time with positive, ambitious people their enthusiasm will rub off on you.

Don't believe me?

Think of the most motivated people you know! What kind of people do they spend most of their time with?

Whenever you feel stuck and unable to spring into action make contact with the positive, motivated people you know.

Even a phone call will help give you a boost.

If possible spend time with these dynamic people on a regular basis to keep the momentum alive and over time you will find it easier to adopt the habit of taking action on your goals and dreams.

And lasting motivation will become normal for you.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:

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