
What Is Failing Forward?

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What an absurd statement! Absurd or not, progress is not possible without failure. It is part of being an evolving and growing human being.

Failing forward is about leveraging mistakes; making a realistic assessment of risks and the ability to live with the downside and experiment with new approaches. FAILING FORWARD is an investment in human success.

Look at it this way:

1. Failing forward is really about achievement as a series of trial and error opportunities.

2. You, as a person, are not a failure. Failure is a state of mind.

3. You are not a vicim. Take responsibility for what you can control and into a position of power.

4. You can control how you let a trauma affect you.

5. The present is the only place real opportunity exists and where you can take action.

6. Lettting go of limiting beliefs may be hard on the ego, but your ability to move forward will increase dramatically.

7. When you have a vision, you have a view that puts failure in its proper perspective.

8. There is always uncertainty when you try something new.

9. You can't make significant progress by doing it all yourself. Let your environment and network do some of the work.

10. Often, the only difference between success and failure, is simple persistence.

11. Knowing when to let go and try something else is important. Failing forward is about getting up and moving on.

(My notes from a recent study group called: Failing Forward

About The Author

Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.

Certified Job and Career Transition Coach

(509) 469-3514



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