Throughout my life I have observed many things and I am often amazed (but shouldn't be) at how Wisdom is demonstrated in all ages. It is not reserved just for the elders. Although I think most people as they get older often seem to get a little more psychic or more in tuned to life and are not easily fooled.
I personally feel like I didn't really understand life that much until I was about 40 years old. It is an odd sensation when you wake up one day and find 5 or 10 years have gone by and you suddenly realize that all this time has passed and not much has changed. You are still at the same job, same problems at home or work and you start to wonder, "what has been accomplished in all this time". Have goals been met? Are you in the same rut? These are important questions to ask yourself because your future depends on being honest with yourself.
Children are absolutely wonderful because they are so inquisitive and ask a million questions and that is as it should be. After all, how does one learn if you don't ask? Children ask why, why, why! They want to know. If you deny them knowledge then their lives are stifled and they really don't have much chance for success in life. The more knowledge they have the more they will be able to deal with life's problems. You are doing a disservice to a child if you do not answer their questions honestly. All through their lives growing up they will have questions and education is the answer and I am not just talking about school. They will ask you as parents, questions. They will ask friends even strangers in their quest for knowledge. "How do you?. what about?is this really true?" They need to know! Just tell them everything they want to know honestly because what they learn early in life will define them later in life.
Young children have, it seems, this amazing perception about people. They are constantly observing because that is what a child does. It is survival for them to observe life around them because they need this data to for their future life. Children closely scrutinize even the simplest things like table manners, and they will mimic you! So set the right example at all times if you can because believe me, they are watching you!
If you are an adult and you realize that you have been asleep for most of your life and you wake up one day and think, oh my God, what have I been doing all these years? Take heart. It is definitely not to late no matter how old you are! That's the beauty of life; you are never too old to change things. How do you go about this? It goes back to education, and I don't just mean school. We are always learning through out our lives and our life's experience can teach us much. Look at what worked for you and do more of the same. What did not work for you, discard. You do not need to do more of the same if it did not work for you.
From the time you are born, life is a learning adventure and the more you know and the more data you can collect, the more successful you can be in life. After all, knowledge is power. Don't you think?
Willie Jones
Willie is a freelance writer, researcher, floral designer, and artist. Thanks very much for reading this far. Please come and visit us at: for an inspirational poster or two
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