
How To Make a Fortune Teaching Piano (or Guitar, or Drums, or Singing, or?) To Beginners

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"But I'm not in it for the money" you say.

Me neither.

I LOVE music and I LOVE to teach music. I feel sorry for people that go into a field just to make money.

They are missing it.

You've got to love what you do to do it well.

So with me, teaching music is a "get to" ? not a "got to."

But if you love people and you love music, what's the harm in maximizing your income? It's not the raw pursuit of money ? it's simply multiplying yourself so that your skill can benefit more people, and in so doing, benefit yourself as well.

Why beginners?

Because for every advanced music student, there are 100 beginners. It's just a matter of numbers. If you want to teach more advanced students (as I do) that's fine ? it all adds up. But beginners are the "low fruit" ? you can reach them easily and there is no limit to their numbers.

Every year millions more kids get to the age where their parents start thinking about getting music lessons for them, so your prospect list is constantly getting bigger every day. There are plenty of beginners to go around, so competition is really not an issue at all for a person who loves both people and music.

What about adults?

Every year several million people retire from their jobs and careers, and many are looking to take up hobbies they never had time for before.

So if you are a musician looking to increase your income, look no farther. Get a business card and take out a couple low-cost classified ads in your local paper, or place a small ad in your local Yellow Pages. If you're a good teacher, you soon won't need to advertise at all ? word of mouth will take over and soon you'll be teaching other family members and friends, so your expenses will drop to zero as your teaching income rises.

That's nice work. And ? you CAN get it!

Duane Shinn is the author of over 500 music books and music educational materials such as DVD's, CD's, musical games for kids, chord charts, musical software, and piano lesson instructional courses for adults, but he started his teaching career by going from house to house teaching kids for $2.50 per lesson. After graduating from Southern Oregon University with advanced degrees he founded Piano University ? a teaching studio for adults and children. His DVD course titled "Teach Piano & Earn More Than Your Doctor!" has helped countless musicians around the world develop their own teaching programs. He is also the author of the popular free 101-week online e-mail newsletter titled "Amazing Secrets Of Exciting Piano Chords & Sizzling Chord Progressions" with over 57,600 current subscribers.

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