
Silent Discos!

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The press have reported this week that silent disco's are now the in thing, saying:

'T in the park is to follow the Glastonbury Festival into introducing a 'Silent Disco' this year. So that revellers can party through the night, clubbers at particular stages will be given headphones so they can continue to listen to music at high volume without upsetting the festivals neighbours.' NME Online

Is this the end of the festival as we know it?

For years now festivals have taken place across the world. For some they have proved to be a nuisance but generally only for the minority. For the festival-goer it can be the highlight of the year, with some people taking the whole family year after year, almost as a ritual or rite of passage in some cultures!

With the introduction of silent discos are we changing the social aspect of music and dance? I can't say as I would like to share that magical moment when your favourite band, artist of song plays with a set of headphones!

I agree that it will reduce the noise level and nuisance to neighbours and enable the festivals to play later into the night but it does trouble me to think that the whole of western culture is now becoming so 'solo'. With so many social activities now becoming available on the Internet, will our social skills gradually waste away?

There is of course a good balance to be had with Internet entertainment and face-to-face, human contact, leisure pursuits.

Let's make sure that balance remains.

And what better than hearing the music you're passionate about drifting across the warm summer fields!

Copyright ? 2005 Helen This article is provided courtesy of This article may be freely published on any website, as long as the links are live, and this notice is left intact.

Helen Smith is the webmaster of two websites. and

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