ArticlesNetwork Marketing

Network Marketing is Nothing but a Scheme!

1 min read (269 words)

When you say network marketing immediately the main stream public thinks negative things, but truly network marketing is a neutral entity. It's not good or bad it's just a business model.

What gives network marketing its bad name to many is both simple and ironic. You see, network marketing is a form of business that anybody with dreams of grandeur can try their hand at.


It only cost $50 a few $1000 to get started.

Most people that start a network marketing business have no experience in business. Their eyes get bigger than their wallet and they go over board on the product and advertising side of things before they learn the fundamentals of the business.

This is a recipe for disaster every time.

Everyone knows someone that has lost there shirt trying to take a shot at network marketing riches. When your loved ones hear the words "mlm or network marketing" they want to shield you from that same fate. Hence, network marketing gets a bad name.

What I want you to ask yourself is the following . . .

Is it really network marketing that's bad or is it human nature that's at fault?


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