Once upon a time in Marketing Square, there lived a tortoise and a hare....
The tortoise was slow and steadfast and persevering and all those other things that are very commendable in a turtle. He bought a PC, an internet connection and joined a referral program. Soon he realized that without advertising his program, he would not make any money. So..the tortoise went to a search engine and typed in the key-word 'marketing'. All he saw on the page were links and more links offering advertising campaigns of all types and price ranges. He chose one of them. He purchased 50,000 hits to his website from a very high ranking traffic exchange. Then he sat back and waited patiently while the prospects flocked to his webpage. He got out his pad and pencil and began to add up the commission he would make from all these visitors if they joined his program. He smiled at the results...
Each day, he checked his referral stats, and each day he wondered why no one had signed up.. after all the page had been shown to nearly 45,000 people... and his credits were running low. Perhaps he should purchase some more. This time he bought 100,000. He smiled to himself at his cleverness.
Day after day, the turtle visited his website, checked his downline and was disappointed by the stats. Then one day he looked and wow! he saw a member in his downline. He was very excited. He hurried over to the traffic exchange and bought 200,000 visitors this time...'after all', he thought, 'this is really working'.....
Meanwhile in the other corner of Marketing Square, the hare was working on his advertising campaign as well. Unlike the tortoise, he wasn't steadfast at all...he was impatient, excited, and in a hurry to get word of his program out to the masses. He began hopping around like a... well, like a rabbit.....
He hopped from the traffic exchange, over to the safelists, then on to the search engines; he even hopped around posting his ad on all the "Classifieds" pages. He sent it out to some newsletters and ezines...he called up all his friends and told them about his great program....his ad was splattered everywhere...he even plastered his banners all over his friend's website...
Then one day, he remembered to check his downline. He was shocked when he logged in, for the page was full of names and email addresses of his new members. Immediately, the hare went back to his inbox and composed an email to his massive downline. The email subject read..."How To Market This Program..."
After he taught his downline to market the program, the hare moved to a swank retirement village where he lounges around all day counting his money.
The tortoise got three more members and bought more credits from the traffic exchange.
Moral of the story? Traffic exchanges are great, but they aren't everything. The internet offers many great and different types of advertising. Learn to do it all and do it well....then share your knowledge with your downline.
? WordCrafterSmart. This article may be reprinted if done in total with the source box and links kept intact.