People want to get the very best they can when purchasing anything.
They research all of the alternatives and select what they feel is the best suited for their needs whether a car, washer/dryer or a pet.
In selecting a puppy, many follow the same protocol to determine which breed would be the best for their family.
They go to the library and take out books about particular breeds. They will call their local Veterinarians and Dog Trainers to ask for suggestions or recommendations on particular aspects of a certain dog's characteristics.
They attend dog shows to meet with and speak to various breeders.
This selection process many take several months until the perfect pet is found.
Upon bringing their new pet home, they will then do the unthinkable, putting their dog on any dog food. Dog food, after all, is just dog food, right? Wrong, dog foods are not at all the same in quality, nutritional components and as a support to your pet's immune system.
As a matter of fact, many commercial dog foods have chemicals and food derivatives which can be and are harmful to your pet's health!
Think about this! If you go to the supermarket to buy food for your families' dinner, you will buy the most wholesome, nutrient rich foods available, why?
Nutrition is the building block and foundation our bodies need for health and longevity.
Although the protein may all be labeled BEEF, all cuts and quality are not the same and cost vary depending on this quality.
Dog food is the invisible protein! You can look at all the labels which will indicate protein or meat and there is nothing included with the label to identify the quality or source from which the protein is derived. The USDA has allowed a very broad interpretation of what dog food manufactures can use as meat sources. To save cost, manufactures use meats which are not suitable for human consumption in our dog's food. The old adage of, "If you knew what was in a hot dog, you wouldn't eat one!" applies here.
Nature determines what your dog's basic needs are. You should consider the balance of the food itself. A new trend is to sell designer foods for different stages of life. This is not necessary if each individual piece of kibble is perfectly formulated and works in balance with the next to ensure your dogs health, your dog will be able to take what it needs from the foods. Single source meat products do not meet the needs of a growing puppy nor the senior dog that needs to build and repair as they age simply because it lacks in all essential amino acids. Both ends of the age spectrum need the foods for the same exact reason, but, their body's individual nutritional needs will determine what and how much to take from each feeding.
Give your new puppy or adult dog the best possible gift, the gift of health!
The food should contain several forms of protein such as proteins from chicken, fish and egg which are a complete chain of Amino Acid and digest easily.
The carbohydrates need to be complex and not simple sugars found in corn, corn meal and wheat which not produce allergies but also energy swings of highs and lows in behaviors.
There should be several Probotics for a balance and digest easily food, which is not only perfect for the nervous or shy dogs with nervous stomachs, but ensures all dogs are receiving the nutrition they need from food.
Life Abundance offers the best combination of food for all dogs concerned and can be found at
About The Author
Jeanne Perciaccanto has been a professional dog trainer for twenty years,a member of the Iternational Association of Canine Professionals, on the Board of Directors for Shore Hearts Golden Retriever Rescue and ia an author and Lecturer on Canine Behavior.
She holds degrees in and has been a Health Educator for twenty years, is a Reiki Master. She has combined both disciplines and researches diet and nutrition as it pertains to canine behavior.
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