In your quest to get 'up and running' so to speak with your
online ventures do you find yourself getting distracted by
things that have nothing to do with whatever it is your trying to accomplish?
I call this "Scatter-Brain-Itis"
It's not your fault though.
There are so many well written, headlines, sales letters,
articles, clickable links, and just plain outrageous stuff
here online that it's nearly impossible to focus on the
task at hand.(Whatever that may be for you.)
This may help you out.
We've all heard of the simple 'To Do' list.......right?
If you're not using one you really should it will keep you
laser-like focused on getting the things done that you know
you should be doing.
Try this method.
Write down the top three things you need to get done
tomorrow.(or today if you're eager to try this out)
Prioritize them listing the most important one at the top,
2nd most important next, followed by #3.
Now go to work on priority #1.
If you find yourself at a website/page that has nothing to
do with priority #1 immediately stop and get back to what
you should be doing.
If you're working on priority #1 and find that you have
come across information that would be helpful in
accomplishing proirity #3 either bookmark it, write down a
reminder about it, or set up a folder called 'important
things' then go back to it once you have accomplished priority 1 & 2.
(Remember, you prioritized them for a reason)
I realize this is very basic stuff here but you might be
astonished at the amount of work that a person can
accomplish by following this simple system over the period
of a week.
Ron Howell
Howell Industries
About The Author:
"Pass on your knowledge and you live forever!"
Says Ron Howell, an entrepreneur for the
past ten years in mailorder, courier
services, and Insurance sales.