In today's fast-paced society, many families depend on some form of childcare arrangements to help meet the demands of family and work. The majority of parents in America work outside the home, creating a need for dependable childcare. Reliable, responsible childcare employees are crucial to successfully performing your job and caring for your family.
Childcare employees and parents can find numerous resources and organizations to help meet that challenge. You can find practical advice on choosing childcare employees, payroll and tax issues, and hints on how to provide your child with quality childcare. Local, state, and Federal agencies have a wealth of information regarding licensing, insurance, and tax laws.
Many companies are offering on-site childcare to employees as a way to reduce unplanned absences and time lost from work due to family issues. Flexible scheduling and the convenience of receiving high quality day care at your office has made the task of balancing work and family easier for many families. For those who do not have access to childcare at their place of employment, federally funded programs are available to assist you in locating and paying for childcare.
Childcare employees working in federally funded facilities are trained and licensed to maintain a certain standard of quality and professionalism while employed in the childcare center. Information is available to you through a variety of programs to help you in choosing a childcare facility, screen childcare employees, and how to monitor the level of care your child receives while in the day care center or home you have chosen. There are checklists you can copy or print to assist you in asking the right questions and evaluating childcare employees.
The first step in locating quality childcare employees is to identify several candidates and conduct a telephone interview to help you determine which you'd like to speak with or visit in person. Those who don't impress you during the telephone interview will probably not impress you in person either, so you can eliminate the ones you are not interested in right away. You can then visit or speak personally with the facilities and potential childcare employees who need further consideration.
Once you have made your final decision, you will want to take steps to monitor the quality of care your child receives. This can be accomplished by involvement in your child's activities, observing your child in the presence of the childcare employee or day care center and discussing any problems or concerns you may have, talking with your child about how he or she feels about the time they spend with the caregiver or in the center or home.
Make frequent visits and observe the number of children and caregivers in attendance, the condition and appearance of the home or day care center, and the atmosphere created by the childcare employees. If the caregiver is employed inside your home, there are a number of electronic surveillance devices that will allow you to monitor the caregiver and you child while you are at work.
Finding adequate childcare is a major concern for families in which both parents work outside the home or single parent families. Utilize the resources available to you and research the facility and/or childcare employees to give you peace of mind at work and to ensure that your child is well cared for and happy.
Ed Charkow is the webmaster for
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