Prenatal intelligence, also known as fetal intelligence, has become a very hot topic among medical professionals and expecting parents because of the affects it might have on the fetus. Many studies have been done that show a link between fetal stimulation and intelligence as well as increased development of motor skills, language and social skills. This is important for expecting parents who want to give their child the most advanced opportunities to be as intelligent and well adjusted as possible. Some studies regarding prenatal intelligence discuss the use of music when pregnant.
Almost everyone has seen the image of an expectant mother with headphones on her belly. Although this may look silly, there is actually a very real connection between communication with the fetus and its development as a newborn. Many researchers believe that playing music to the fetus increases its ability to learn and develop at a quicker rate once it is born.
Additionally, the same rationale applies to reading to your fetus. Once the fetus has developed ears and hearing, reading to the fetus introduces language skills early on and increases the language development once the fetus is born. Other actions that increase prenatal intelligence and help the fetus learn in utero include teaching vocabulary and actions. Expectant mothers should say an action in a loud clear voice while the action is happening. This helps the baby associate words with actions and will have a head start on learning these associations once born. If you do these things while pregnant then you will very likely assist your child in its development of a wide range of skills.
Maria Gonzalez is webmaster of Parenting Made Easy, a site dedicted to helping new parents.
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