We all know that good food, a loving home and plenty of
exercise will go a long way in giving your dog and cat
a happy and healthy life. But what about those times when
some minor illness suddenly appears and it's 10 pm in the
evening with no veterinarian available? (For those of you
who have small children...you understand how this works).
Just like humans, animals can and will occasionally get
sick. Considering some of the things animals get into, it's
truly amazing our dogs and cats stay as healthy as they
do. There are a lot of potential dangers out in that big
wide world.
"Child" Proofing Your Home For Your Pet
Pets are just like children. They are curious explorers
that love to check out what's in that overflowing garbage
can or see if they really can reach the toilet bowl for
a drink before someone catches them.
Here are a few guidelines to help you "pet proof" your
* When you use any pesticides, herbicides, antifreeze,
or household cleaning products, make sure they are stored
safely away after use. Wash away any extra waste that
might have spilled immediately.
* It's preferable that you don't let your cat roam the
neighborhood. Some people put out rat bait and other such
poisons in their gardens and in their garbage. Why? Well,
they may have mice in the area which they want to get rid
of. They may also be tired of your or someone else's cat
constantly getting into their garbage or defecating in
their gardens. Believe me, this is a slow, painful death
for your pet. I learned the hard way with a much beloved
cat of mine. Since then, all of my cats are indoor house
* Keep your garbage can lids closed tight. Animals love
smelly garbage to explore to find what great human tidbits
might be in there. However, that "food" may have some
toxic cleaner spilled on it. Those yummy chicken bones
are cooked...and splinter, which could cause serious
intestinal problems. You get the idea.
* Be sure all electrical cords are kept covered or unplugged
when not in use. Although not recommended normally, if you
have a small puppy or kitten, run the cords under carpets,
behind cabinets or heavy furniture that they can't crawl
behind. Young pets love to chew...and wires and cords are
* If you use a toilet bowl cleaner that stays in toilet to
"clean" with each flush keep the lid down. Animals, especially
dogs, love to drink from the toilet for some bizarre
reason that only they understand. The chemicals in the cleaner
can poison and/or kill.
Stocking The Medicine Cabinet
So, what to do when your dog or cat gets sick with a minor
tummy ache, diarrhea, or some minor infection, including itchy
skin? Stock your medicine cabinet with certain human
medications that are perfectly fine to give to your pets
in the proper dosage. However, you should always consult your
veterinarian if possible before administering any type
of medication, including dosage amounts of each for each of
your animals. Keep a list handy near the cabinet for quick
reference on dosages.
Here are some items you should keep on hand:
* Buffered Aspirin is good for lowering fever and relieving
minor aches and pains in dogs. Most people prefer to use
baby aspirin. Use approximately 80 mg per every 10 pounds
of weight, usually no more than twice a day. NEVER give
aspirin to a cat as it's extremely dangerous to them. Also,
do not use Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen, as they are also
dangerous to pets in general. Stick with the aspirin.
* Keopectate is good for soothing stomach troubles and
diarrhea in both dogs and cats. A recommended amount would
be 1 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of weight roughly every
4 hours.
* Gravol for motion sickness if you need to travel with
your pet. Administer the tablet one hour before you leave.
You should give no more than 12.5 mg to a cat or a small
dog. A medium to large dog can handle between 25 to 50 mg.
Do not give this to any animal that has bladder problems or
glaucoma. Again, check with your vet to be sure if it's safe
and what dosage is recommended for your pet.
* Pepto-Bismol, that good old pink stuff, is fine to give to
your dog if they are having tummy trouble, such as vomiting
or a rolling, noisy belly. One teaspoon every 6 hours per
pound of body weight should be sufficient. This is another
medicinal product that should not be given to cats.
* Hydrogen Peroxide and Polysporin for minor cuts and
scratches. These will help clean out the wound and hopefully
prevent any infection from occurring.
All in all, checking up with your vet and keeping some
specific medications on hand should help you deal with
any minor illnesses you may encounter with your dog and
Rose Smith is the author and owner of Caring For Canines, a
web site that provides information on natural dog health care.
To learn more about dog medications, vaccinations and first
aid, please visit us at: http://www.caringforcanines.com/herbal-medications.shtml