
Infected Ideologies [a Poetic Portrait]

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the disease of extremism
is infectious-;
whoever cannot think of
their child
growing up without it
is part of the phenomenon!
(the choice of the day).
with a powerful ideology
are seeds for suicide!
murder: giving
reasons to rage!...
bin laden
they will show you
to a noble
act of death!...
(that is what they say).
throw out:
the disadvantaged-
save the ideology,
that is the
the choice!?

#812 8/212/05

Notes by Rosa Pe?aloza: the author has not written to be political, rather psychological as his mind works-both in poetry and perhaps with all his writings. He writes as he sees things, be it close up, or from a distance. And he sees evidently terrorism more in an ideological frame than others do. Right or wrong, he looks at the character, the soul of the phenomenon. When he wrote the book, "Islam, In search of Satan's Rib," many thought of the book being anti this and that. When in essence, he was looking at the God's you might say; again, not political, per se, rather, psychological, if not theological, and not trying to persuade anyone to any certain religion. He received a letter of thanks from Arial Sharon, and a picture signed by him, as a compliment. This poem seems to reflect some of that old message he tried to write in the book.

See Mr. Dennis Siluk's book at or

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