Frog Summer
Summer grows hot, for the
New-blooded frogs;
The bugs are thin, yet the
Frogs stay fat, young and sassy.
In these palsy times-they
Only listen, as we wither away.
Night fritters-away in sleep.
The morning brightness comes late,
Among my pithy-jointed bones-;
Frogs annoy me, as my clay loosens.
Rain drops for the frog. The
New survivors of creation-
Make their homes everywhere,
As we thin ourselves out!...
#765 7/21/05
A Death Overnight
Overnight she died
Discreetly, quietly
As she lived, so she died.
The air is not the same,
I breathe anymore?.
Nobody stops by to see
Her ashes, I stored?.
Earless and eyeless
All her friends remain silent.
My love for her has turned
Into sadness, overnight,
Discreetly, quietly.
7/12/05 #766
They Hear America No More!
It once had seemed a little thing,
When I was young and but a teen
That to lay my life down if need be:
For honor, justice and country,
That in doing so, we might hear songs
Of liberty!
But now I'm old-, no cares have I
To fight alone, so I pass on by
The fainted hopes that liberty buys.
#767 7/24/05
Note [by the author]: "Our Constitution, perhaps, the most valuable document we have in America, or that the world has ever seen-which is the law of the land, seems to be diminishing in value; it was made for the people, not for the government, like most constitutions are. It doesn't matter who says this, or that. Be it the Supreme Court Judges that seem to have ongoing issues; and presidents that come and go. It is although the Constitution that remains, and when judges implant their personal will into it, it no longer holds the value it should. It is like giving a piece peace to -to someone who starts wars, it diminishes the price value, which I've seen too often. It seems I witness so much of this nowadays; it's quite disturbing; and thus, our liberties fad with it. And so I have written the poem, 'They Hear America No More,' I suppose in protest."
POet Dennis Siluk