English Version
12) Black Poncho
(of Saint Cosme Hill, by Lima, Peru)
Lost in the grottos of Peru-
By the hills of Huancayo
Black Poncho was given
A treasure of gold?;
By none other than,
Demonic goblins!
?in the form of scorching fruit;
Hence, Black Poncho fooled
The goblins of old
By using his poncho to pull
The sizzling golden fruit
Through the Andes to Lima, Peru!?
Henceforward, he was swindled
By a jeweler of dire repute.
Thus, his life changed
(as so often they do);
And now he lives with:
Thirty-five dogs, on San Cosme Hill.
Note: Information taken from a number of conversations with the locals of Lima, Peru (and my father-in-law) especially from a conversation with Hernan Espinoza, a waiter in Lima, Peru, as he remembered it (the year being: l945); 5-4-2005; #625; there is also another side to this man, one that is considered to more on the side of Robin Hood,the thief; as Papa Augusto would have it.
Versi?n en Espa?ol
Poncho Negro
(del Cerro San Cosme en Lima, Per?)
Perdido en las grutas de Per?-
Por las collados de Huancayo
Dieron a Poncho negro
Un tesoro de oro ?;
Por ninguno otro que,
?Engendros demon?acos!
?en la forma de fruta chamuscada;
De ah?, Poncho Negro mof?
A los engendros del pasado
Usando su poncho para jalar
La fruta de oro que chispea
?Por Los Andes a Lima, Per?! ?
Despu?s, ?l fue estafado
Por un joyero de reputaci?n dudosa.
As?, su vida se cambi?
( como tan a menudo esto pasa);
Y ahora ?l vive con :
Treinta y cinco perros, sobre el Cerro San Cosme.
Note: La Informaci?n fue obtenido de una conversaci?n con Hernan Espinoza, un camarero en Lima, Per?, as? como ?l lo record? (A?o: 1945); Mayo 4 del 2005; Nro. 625
English Version
13. The Spirits de Copan
Part one
I see them in the skies
I hear them in their hells
They whisper and they moan
And never are alone-
The Spirits and the Ghouls?
The Spirits de Copan!
They are shadows in my world
Echoes in my dreams
A mystery and a force
To a cosmic happening!
The Spirits and the Ghouls?
The Spirits de Copan!...
Part Two
(Hiding Spirits)
These spirits hide in ancient stones
With glaring eyes:
And humans bones, -
In ebbing shadows
The passing moon;
By trees-and clouds
And macabre gloom-
In the winds, the winds-
(The clouds)
Outside windows?!
They are no man's friend
The spirits and the Ghouls
The Spirits de Copan!...
Part Three
The Spirits de Copan (have)-:
Long ears, with rabbit feet
Jaguar arms-? secrets.
These were the kings
The Maya kings, - (now)
The Spirits of Copan!...
Part Four
(Maya Kings)
Smoke Rabbit
Smoke Shell
All carved on Stelaes
Hieroglyphic stones
For legends now told
Of Maya kings who once ruled.
Part Five
(My Moment)
In the Great Plaza
By the Acropolis of Copan,
A spirit, let known
(In its trembling vacuum):
"Leave us in peace!
Leave us alone!
We've been here
For two-thousand years
In the Valley of Copan!"
As I looked towards
The imposing palaces
I replied
(Listening to the nearby
Bird's chipper-knowing
All that was left was peace
And a hopeful redemption):
"Let there be no more-
Resistance?let there be peace!
As you please!..."
And I walked away
Out of the Copan Valley!....
Note: written while visiting the Copan Valley, and site, in Honduras; written between 4-24/25-2005, #630.
Versi?n en Espa?ol
13. Los Esp?ritus de Copan
Parte Uno
Los veo en los cielos
Los oigo en sus infiernos
Ellos susurran y ellos gimen
Y nunca est?n solos-
Los Esp?ritus y los Demonios ?
?Los Esp?ritus de Copan!
Ellos son sombras en mi mundo
Ecos en mis sue?os
Un misterio y una fuerza
?A un acontecimiento c?smico!
Los Esp?ritus y los Demonios ?
?Los Esp?ritus de Copan!...
Parte Dos
(Esp?ritus Escondidos)
Estos esp?ritus se ocultan en piedras antiguas
Con ojos evidentes:
Y huesos de gente,-
En sombras que bajan
La luna que pasa;
Por ?rboles - y nubes
Y penumbra macabra-
En los vientos, los vientos-
( Las nubes)
?Fuera de ventanas ?!
Ellos no son amigo del hombre
Los esp?ritus y los Demonios
?Los Esp?ritus de Copan!...
Parte Tres
Los esp?ritus de Copan (tienen)-:
Grandes orejas, con pies de conejo
Brazos de jaguar - ? secretos.
Estos fueron los reyes
Los reyes Maya, - (ahora)
?Los Esp?ritus de Copan!...
Parte Cuatro
( Maya Reyes)
Conejo de Humo
C?scara de Humo
Todos tallados sobre Estelas
Piedras jerogl?ficas
Por leyendas ahora contadas
De los reyes Maya que una vez gobernaron.
Parte Cinco
( Mi Momento)
En Gran Plaza
Por la Acr?polis de Copan,
Un esp?ritu, deja conocer
( En su tr?mula respiracion):
?" D?janos en paz!
?" D?janos s?los!
Hemos estado aqu?
Durante dos mil a?os
?En el Valle de Copan! "
Como mir? hacia
Los palacios imponentes
( Escuchando al cercano
Canto de los p?jaros-sabiendo
Todo lo que fue dejado fue paz
Y un esperanzador rescate)
"Deja que no haya m?s-
?Resistencia?deja que haya paz!
?Como tu lo deseas! ... "
Y me alej?
?Del Valle Copan!....
Note: escrito en la visita al Valle Copan, y lugar arqueologico, en Honduras.Escrito entre Abril 24 y 25 del 2005, Nro. 630.
Dennis Siluk is a writer, considered by Marissa Cardenas, reporter for the Correo Newspaper, of Peru who says: "...his stature is recognized worldwide as a sort of 'ambassador' of every country that he visits writing on their peoples, their histories and customs... similar to Julio Verne..." website: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com [see http://www.amazon.com or bn.com]Rosa P.