Whether you use a mouse or a remote control to navigate through a PowerPoint slide show presentation, it is also handy to use keyboard shortcuts. Here is a selection to try:
? Run a slide show: [F5].
? Advance to the next slide (any of these): [Right], [Down], N (for Next), [Spacebar], [Page Down] (or click the left mouse)
? Return to the previous slide (any of these): [Left], [Up], P (for Previous), [Backspace], [Page Up]
? Go to specific slide number: type slide number and press [Enter]. One of my favorite tips to quickly skip past slides or to return to a previous slide. To display the slide number temporarily in handouts, choose View > Header and Footer, check Slide Number, Apply to All. Repeat steps to turn off after printing handouts.
? Display a black screen or go back to slide show: B or [Period]
? End a slide show: [Esc]
? Hide the mouse pointer: [Ctrl] + H. Hiding the mouse pointer should be part of your presentation preparation to avoid the accidental display of your mouse in the middle of your presentation.
? Activate the mouse pointer/arrow: [Ctrl] + A
? Help during slide show (displays these and other keyboard shortcuts): [F1]
Note: you can also right-click anywhere on the slide show screen for a shortcut menu with many of these same actions.
? 2004 by Dawn Bjork Buzbee
Dawn Bjork Buzbee is The Software Pro? and a certified Microsoft Office Expert and Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor. Dawn shares smart and easy ways to effectively use software and technology through her work as a speaker, trainer, and consultant. Visit http://www.SoftwarePro.com for great Microsoft Office software tips and tricks or to contact Dawn.