This is an amazing story. It's about my friend Robert.
Robert is one of those really charismatic people. You know
the kind I mean. Wherever he goes, people are just drawn to
him, its truly a sight to behold.
At dinner the other night, Robert's charm drew the waiters
in and they conversed with him a great deal. However, when
I spoke up, the waiters didn't seem to pay much attention.
They may have even been a little dismissive. It was as if
the only person at the table was Robert. The difference was
Robert's charisma. He has that special way about him that we
all sometimes wished we had.
Anyway, in order to find out what that special something
was, I decided to interview Robert. I captured about 2
hours worth of questions and answers with him.
Here is what I found out. Robert basically, though he
might not say this directly, 'loves' people when he talks to
He has genuine concern and positive regard. He likes to
focus in on one thing that he finds especially interesting
about a person when he talks to them. It doesn't matter if
he tells the person what that thing is or not, it seems to
have the same effect. Try it and see what happens.
Now, how does that relate to health? Well you see, my
article on the mind-body connection discusses the principle
that Bernie Siegel wrote about in his book, Love, Medicine
and Miracles. It seems that when his cancer patients
revolutionized their thinking to become more loving and
accepting of others, their cancer often went into remission.
You see, what Robert does with people, is love them when he
talks to them. Keep in mind that love is an action, it is
not an idea that sits there, it is active. Bernie's cancer
patients loved those around them more and as a result their
health improved.
Now do you see the connection between charisma, love and
health? By loving others, not only can your health improve,
but your social life improves as well.
So what are you waiting for? Start looking for ways to love
others more and watch your life improve in every aspect.
This could be the most important thing you'll read today.
Why not share it with a friend?
This article is for information purposes only. If you have
or think you have a health problem, visit your doctor for
diagnoses and treatment.
Dave Snape is a health, fitness and wellness enthusiast. His website is