One day a telegram arrived at a man's door. When he opened it,
he learned that his best friend had passed away...
I was at conference recently where I heard this most inspiring story.
The story was about a boy and a girl who grew up together as
best friends. As they grew into adulthood, they became
pre-occupied with their personal lives. Although, they knew
that they lived just down the street from each other, they
were too busy to seek out one another.
Every week they wanted to visit each other but thought to
themselves, "Oh well, I am too busy today. We live close
enough to each other to visit anytime. I will try tomorrow."
It was not long before tomorrow turned into next week and
then next month. Eventually a year had passed by.
Soon the distance between their homes began to appear more
distant. The longer they waited to look for each other, the
further the distance between their homes grew. This was
followed by more excuses that did nothing but increase the
gap between the two friends.
One day the male received a telegram informing him that his
best friend passed away. As if he had gone into a shock, he
asked himself, "What happened?"
He thought to himself, "If I knew I was going lose her without
seeing her again, I would have taken the time to look for her.
I wished I taken the time to tell her how much I loved her.
Now she's gone, and I am now all alone."
Regardless what this individual thought or felt, his best
friend had left the earth for good.
Do soulmates exist? And, are soulmates pre-ordained?
There is a biblical verse that goes something like this.
"Before I formed thee I knew thee and ordain thee to be..."
What the verse tells us is that before you were born, your
creator knew you. He knew your need for a mate and ordained
you and another person to be soulmates.
The problem is too many people do not invest themselves 100%
in recognizing their soulmate. They hold out, settling for
unhealthy relationships until it is far too late.
Before a mother brings a child into this world the mother will
know the child's need. She will ready a room with all the things
the soon to be newborn will need. Likewise the supreme power
that put you here on earth knew you would need a soulmate.
One has been prepared just for you.
You can say "I will find my soulmate tomorrow. I am too
busy today."
But, if you do, take time to remember the story at the
beginning of this article. It was procrastination that
prevented the two friends from finding each other until
death separated them forever. Your soulmate is not going
to be waiting for you forever!
I know how it feels to be in relationship other than that of
soulmates. You have probably been hurt or disappointed so
often, you don't trust anymore. I know all about the pain
associated with break-ups. All of the pain, frustration and
loneliness you may feel can be avoided if only you will not
turn to excuses and justifications, but instead make the
effort to look for your soulmate.
Yes, soulmates do exist. Adam and Eve were the first soulmates
recorded in human history. When Adam was created, his creator
said, it is not good for man to be alone. Thus a helpmate was
created for Adam.
What is a helpmate, and why would a person need a helpmate if
the person were able to make it alone?
This leads me to believe that in order for a man or woman to
feel complete, they will need each other as helpmates. Adam
and Eve were created for each other. I am using the word
'for' to show that soulmates belong to each other and nobody
For instance, when Eve ate the forbidden fruit that could have
separated them, they sought out each other and did what ever
it took so they could be together. An effort to remain
together is clearly demonstrated between the two.
Are you too busy to find your soulmate? Do you allow fear of
effort or failure to discourage you? I do understand how you
feel. I have clients who feel the same as you do. I have also
gone through the same experiences you have.
Here is what I tell my clients. When treasure hunters hear of
buried treasures, they don't make excuses. They don't let fear
of the possibility of being bitten by a poisonous snake or
their ship sinking prevent them from going after the treasure.
They find the exact map that will lead them to the treasure
site. When they get there, they dive or dig for the treasure.
When they find the treasure, they do their part to ensure that
any piece of gold bar they find is real gold.
It will be nice if our soulmates can fall on our laps without
any effort on our part. Unfortunately, life does not work like
that does it?
How does it feel to go from one lousy relationship to the
other, because you don't want to invest the time or effort
to find your own soulmate?
I know how it feels to think you are madly in love. Then, a
year or two later you find that it was all a big mistake.
So where do you turn for help. Where do you get that map to
help you find your soulmate? When you do meet the person, how
can you be certain it is the right person?
First, forgive and forget about the past and start fresh from
Human beings are created with the need to be with the opposite
sex. Not just any opposite sex, but a specific man or woman
whom they will feel complete with. Soulmates are pre-ordained.
Meeting a man or woman is relatively easy. Recognizing the
person who is intended to be your soulmate is another thing.
In the book "How to Identify your Soulmate", I reveal important
knowledge you must have to help you to recognize your soulmate.
Like a treasure hunting map, the e-book provides an effective
soulmate map that any one can use. The ebook will help you to
learn how to get a confirmation that someone is your ordained
mate. Every effort is made to constantly include special
updates in the ebook as they become available.
You can also learn how to handle the effect of break-ups. I
have dedicated an entire ebook on my site to help people
Soulmate relationships have incredible soothing powers; they
are heart warming and possess healing qualities.
The process of recognizing your mate is very real. You may be
the only person keeping you from finding your special someone.
Live today as if it is your last day. You will never know how
successful you will be unless you try. My hope is that you
don't allow procrastination, ego, pride, excuses and fear to
prevent you from finding a rewarding relationship with your
pre-ordained soulmate.
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Ernest Quansah is a Soulmate Relationship Expert who helps men and women find their true love and create the relationship of their dreams. He is the author of How to Identify Your Soulmate, a love relationship advice manual designed to help people find happiness and fulfillment in their relationships. If you will like more information about his services, please visit . Copyright ? 2005. All rights reserved.