Clue Number 1: You Have Talent
You were born with at least one talent. One talent
is all you need to have fulfillment in your life
and ministry, if you use it.
What Is a Talent?
According to Webster's Dictionary, talent is the
natural endowments of a person; or ability.
Marcus Buckingham, author of 'First Break All The
Rules,' defines talent as "a recurring pattern
of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be
productively applied."
Talents are:
*developed through your natural ability to refine
a skill and practice it until you excel.
*things and behaviors you are able to do
*expressed through your body and taps the
passion of your soul (mind, will and intellect).
When you are free to express your talents in your
ministry, the goals you set for your life
become more attainable and you become more
productive. A talent can be something as simple as
an ability to remember names if channeled in a way
that is productive.
For example, one of the most important 48 hours is the
time right after a person joins your ministry. Imagine
having a person in your ministry who served God as
the official "Connection Director." Within the first
48 hours Paula joins your ministry, your "Connection
Director" contacts her. During a brief
conversation your "Connection Director" learns the
names of household members and their interests.
When they hook up during the next service your
"Connection Director" introduces Paula to Sandra
by name, who has similiar interests and background.
Why is this connection so important for Paula and your
"Connection Director?"