Stories have been told about the only thing that saved the lives
of the people aboard a ship in a storm was a strong anchor. But,
there are also stories of those who perished when their anchor
did not hold.
Luke and the Apostle Paul were aboard a ship that was tossed by a
raging storm. Luke writes in Acts 27:29, about the actions of the
crew, "Fearing that we would be dashed against the rocks, they
dropped four anchors from the stern and prayed for daylight."
It is written, "The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of
trouble; and He knows them who trust Him." (Nahum 1:7)
What, or who, are you depending on to hold you in your storm? Is
it God? Or, is it a particular person? How about money?
If you are a Christian, God is your anchor and salvation can be
found in no other. Jesus said, "I do not pray that you take them
out of the world, but that you keep them from evil." (John 17:15)
This is a promise that God will be our anchor in the storm and
that He will keep us in His care.
Ray Boltz is one of my favorite artists, and "The Anchor Holds,"
is one of my favorite songs by him. It is a great message for
those who are in the midst of a storm in their life. If you have
never heard this song I encourage you to find a copy and take a
In times of fair weather we have comfort of knowing our anchor is
there. But, in the storm, our faith is tested and we must
continue to know that our anchor is still there. Sometimes, to
remember the strength of our anchor, we need to feel the strength
of the storm.
Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur and teacher of biblical success principles. Get his FREE report, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up for his FREE weekly newsletter.