
Loyola the Luciferian

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Ignatius Loyola ? Luciferian or Heliopolitan:

I kid you not! Lucifer is the 'light-bringer' and just as Hitler was a 'torch-bearer for Jesus' we have the Luciferians inside the Catholic Church to this day as I have covered from the likes of Malachi Martin who was a Papal advisor to three Popes and taught Jewish studies (Kaballah?) at the Vatican College until recently. Indeed all the Alumbrados (means Illuminati) people are 'light-bearers' or en-'light'-ened ones. That includes Rodrigo Borgia (Pope Alexander VI) who I have dealt with in many books. I have already mentioned this Idiot's Guide has no mention of the Alumbrados founding the Jesuits or any intrigue related thereto including even the mere mention of Hibernians like Thomas Carlyle, Goethe, Saint Bernard as one, and other things related thereto. This does not surprise me one iota. Read the description of Jesus by Ignatius Loyola and think long and hard about whether I am right about his being inspired by the sun-worship or Heliopolitanism of the Druids; which is the basis of the Masons according to Thomas Paine who was higher up in the 'octopus'.

"The Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius of Loyola, who could be seen as the Catholic Reformation's equivalent to Martin Luther. {Whose name is suggestive of Lucifer too.} Loyola has been referred to as one of the most important-if not the most important-figures of the Catholic Reformation.

Loyola was born Inigo de O?ez y Loyola around 1491. He was born at his family's ancestral castle in Guip?zcoa. When he was old enough, he entered the military service, where he served until 1521 when he was seriously wounded in battle. During his recovery from his wounds, he read about the lives of the saints of the church, and he was motivated to devote his life to spiritual service. He hung up his sword and spent a year in prayer and meditation at a cave near the Manresa monastery. While there, Loyola fasted, knelt in prayer for seven hours a day, and flagellated himself to the point of endangering his health. {I grew up near a Manresa Lodge that had some weird goings-on and I often wonder when I see them in places like Sedona or other earth-based religious areas. I am sure he spoke with them or received instruction from them at this time.}

Loyola later described this time as an incredible 'mystical' experience during which he had blinding visions of heaven and hell and Christ and Satan. He saw Jesus as 'a big round form shining as gold.'?

?Loyola and the Jesuits welcomed only those whose spirituality reflected his {N.B.} and those who were willing to engage in unquestioned obedience to the pope.{Giving up their possessions like the Templars too.} Any applicant who had even a hint of bad character or lack of orthodoxy was rejected. {Really? What orthodoxy might that be?}?

?The mission of the Jesuits was to educate the young, to lead people back from Protestantism to Catholicism, and to take the Catholic message to new areas of the world.

They were successful in all three endeavours." (3) guest 'expert'
Columnist for The ES Press Magazine
Author of Diverse Druids

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