
Ultimate Truth:The Invitation

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Religion is so many things. From what we can see nowadays, it is a business, society And a whole lot more ways humans operate religion. As a learner I'm not saying what I'm stating now is the ultimate truth. It's a mere catalyst to further navigate this "rabbit hole".

What is this religion word means? Beside countless description of the word, there are many parts that make up a religion, and we are not going to dwell in the matter here. Generally, one could conclude that religion will guide its followers to heaven, right? I don't think so. For some, their religion guide them to heaven, some to achieve nirvana and some to just die and that's that no heaven no hell nothing.

"Heaven", "nirvana" is described as a nice and trouble free place, thus can be labeled as positive outcome. Now there's hell, fire et cetera that is prepared for those who don't "do well" in their religion, having reputation as a place of eternal if not prolonged misery to its inhabitants, thus a negative outcome. Now not all religion promises heaven for devotees. For some religions, heaven is not in their holy/guide book.

And yet they too have rituals and beliefs and even followers. Thus we can conclude that, religions guide its followers to the truth. It's the truth that entice people to have a religion or not, it is what we cling to, be it positive or negative. Truth is a variable to mankind and will always cause a positive result.

(Negative outcome in religion) NEGATIVE AND (truth will be) POSITIVE = POSITVE, (positive outcome in a religion) POSITIVE AND (truth will be) POSITIVE = POSITIVE.

Both of the equations prove that humans will only embrace truth, even the atheist (atheism is a religion too!).

What is ultimate truth? . If there were such a thing, to agree that there is an ultimate truth would be saying there is truth that is not so true. Finally it leads us to the fact that there can only be one truth, because no matter what and how we look at it, it points to one conclusion (POSITIVE) and that is what truth is.

So what is truth? Where does it lie? Are we being true to ourselves? What is the purpose of knowing this truth? This is an invitation to knowledge.

Mohd Radzee

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