What will be the effect on general public if the constitution of our country pass a rule as:
Section #___
It is hereby submitted that from 10, July, 2005 , everybody will get 27 rupees for saying his prayer , provided , he must have to say his prayer (Salat) in the main mosque of the living area.
Provided further that he must have to come on his feets by walking.
Provided further that he must ask five times of his prayer daily in the Ja'mia Mosque.
Every other person will not be able to get such earning.
You will see that after 10, july, 2005, there will be an increasing number of people who will be seen in the mosques.
Why is this so? Because more and more peoples are thinking subconciously or conciously that money can do everything.Don't do this. Let the money thrown out of your lives.
Money is one of the top most deceivement which shaytan show us to divert us from the right path. Its ok that money is a necessity in this costly world. Earn money but don't let money to take control of your lives.
We must first think about religion then life then intellect then precreation and after all of them about money or property.
Our faith must take us to Mosques.
If the section in the constitution tell us as follows:
Section # ___
It is hereby submitted and make the rule, from 10, July, 2005, that everyone must not go to mosques to say ones prayer. This section must be strictly checked and followed by all the peoples of this country.
And the person who will not obey will be punished to stay under heavy bricks made of iron for the whole day.
It must be our faith and belief that will take us to mosques even in these situations. Our faith must not be diverted in any circumstance.
Usman Zafar Paracha,
B-Pharmacy, Final Proff.,
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