The most effective prospecting techniques were revealed in
the August 1st, 2002, issue of TIP (URL at end of article)
that resulted from a survey of financial advisors earning
over $200,000 annually.
Here's how they rated the following techniques:
100.0% for Referrals from clients, and non-clients
69.6% for Contacting clients by phone, or in person
60.9% for Seminars, teaching classes
60.9% for Speeches, talks to civic, trade, and select audiences
56.5% for Participation in organizations composed of clients
47.8% for Printed newsletter, mailed or hand-delivered
43.5% for Electronic newsletter, faxed, e-mailed, or on website
43.5% for Writing articles for newspapers, magazines, or books
34.8% for Professional public relations
26.1% for Cold e-mailing, faxing, or mailing brochures, etc.
21.7% for Working with the media
17.4% for Cold calling, by phone, or in person
17.4% for Website focusing on you, and your business
8.7% for Directory listings
4.3% for Advertising in newspapers, magazines
To improve your prospecting reallocate time or money that
you've been spending on techniques in the lower part of the
list to those you have yet to try in the upper part.The easiest one to add is a newsletter. Start by buying one
where you can print or email it to clients, and prospects.
Then ask clients you've been sending it to for referrals. In
the first issue to these referrals include a note that says
"Bill Smith told me you'd find my newsletter useful".
To maximize referrals work in a niche market. If you deal
mainly with dentists, for example, they know other dentists
to whom they can refer you as someone who specializes in
advising dentists.
Your seminars, speeches, newsletters, etc. can also target
their needs.
Successful prospecting is an ongoing regular process. It's
the raw material, the ore, from which sales are made.
So make prospecting your primary daily activity.
Copyright 2005, Donald F. Pooley, Inc.
Don Pooley has shared his marketing know-how with audiences
in major Canadian cities, London, Australia, Chicago, New
York, San Francisco, Hong Kong, and Singapore, and now in
his free ezine, TIP. Subscribe at, or
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