Remember those school exercises that started "Compare
and contrast....yada yada yada". Well, here's an exercise to
get your sales brains moving.
There are major differences between how you sell in a
Regular Sales Call versus at a Trade Show. In other words,
just because you can sell well, doesn't mean you can sell
well in the trade show environment.
I've identified five major areas which cause concern for
professional sales staff who have booth duty. This has
nothing to do with the ability of the sales person, only that
they often have to do a 180 to accommodate their concerns.
Above all this - note that many trade shows are not hard sell
arenas but are marketing venues. If you make a sale, it's
probably because of hard work before the show. The
purpose of a show is to advance the sales process, so plan
where the show fits into your sales cycle, and pass these
tips along to your sales staff.
Face-to-Face Time
Regular Sales Call -
You set the schedule. You and the prospect determine the
time necessary for you to explain and/or sell. It may be 30
minutes, an hour, a half-day or more, but you have control of
the presentation.
Trade Show -
Unless you've made appointments prior to the show, or the
prospect puts you on its short list of exhibits to visit, you're
lucky to get three minutes on the show floor. Why? Time is
short, and you're either an unknown or well-known.
Regular Sales Call -
You may be lucky and have the prospect in your office or
factory. Or, you're on his turf. Or in a favorite restaurant. In
any case, it's a familiar surrounding and you feel
Trade Show -
Now you're on neutral turf. You have your company's image
around you - name badges, signs, brochures, handouts,
give-aways, etc. Should be good news - you're in control.
Until the visitor leaves your booth and walks over to your
competitor. (Remember, that's the essence of a trade show
- competitors coming together to build an industry.)
Who Initiates Contact?
Regular Sales Call -
Generally, you make the first contact, so you know the
prospect's major details - name, address, how you can
solve his problem, time frame for the sale - maybe you've
even toted up your commission. And if the prospects calls
you first? Great, the sales cycle is moved along even faster.
Trade Show -
Oops, here comes a stranger. With a name you don't know,
a company you've probably never heard of - or if you have,
probably not that department. Now your people skills come
into play. It's faster and more professional than a cocktail
party, more demanding than an interview and more tiring
because you repeat it all day.
Prospect Information
Regular Sales Call -
In today's fast changing sales environment, you have good
intelligence about your prospect. You can use the
buzzwords - enterprise, cybercorp, partnering - and you can
probably adapt your sales competencies to the prospect's
Trade Show -
Remember, unless you've set up appointments with
prospects or clients, you've probably got a stranger standing
in front of you. Now, not only your sales competencies come
into play but your knowledge and understanding of your
industry and marketplace are challenged.
Time and Money
Regular Sales Call -
The internet has allowed companies to reduce drastically
the initial intelligence gathering costs and time frame. Make
sales proactive, not reactive. It still costs money. It still takes
time. And it's still face-to-face.
Trade Show -
The key is follow-up. You can't swipe a card, shake a hand
and wait for the prospect to call. People attend shows
because they're in the same industry as you, and stopped at
your exhibit because they're interested in your product.
Trade shows advance the sales cycle. This is a great
opportunity - don't blow it!
When you understand that you make a 180 from your
regular job and comfort zone. then you will be more effective
at trade shows.
Julia O'Connor - Speaker, Author, Consultant - writes about
practical aspects of trade shows. As president of Trade
Show Training, inc,, now celebrating its 10th year, she
works with companies in a variety of industries to improve
their bottom line and marketing opportunities at trade
Julia is an expert in the psychology of the trade show
environment, and uses this expertise in sales training and
management seminars.