
Brain Waves Activating to the Tune of a Different Drummer?

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Well, here is a most interesting thought. There are many who have heart murmurs from birth and many with heart murmurs, which are not negative from a health standpoint.

So in that set of thoughts, and knowing that the heart beat of the body effects the brain waves and frequencies. If a heart murmur were to let's say every fifth or seventh beat skipped or did a quick double beat on one end then this would effect the brain waves. What if this heart murmurs every seventh beat, does a three step. What if this has caused such brain waves to cycle or jump or activates another set of brain waves throughout a person's life. What if the combination of those brain waves causes a rogue wave or different than normal combination or peak and what if that peak could be sustained as a separate wave for higher learning, understanding and optimum performance.

Often it has been studied that some environmental issue has caused the brain to change slightly and sometimes causes those with the changes to be better at some types of cognition than others. Other times it can cause mental health issues, which are quite serious to ones health and ability to think, reason, adapt or cope with normal life stresses.

So then could such a beat simulation of an rhythmic heart skip, be subliminally rendered to the mind during activities of various forms, such as studying, memorizing, driving a car, flying a plan, doing mathematical equations, etc. Could such an induced simulation cause this additional potential peak for higher learning?

We know rogue waves appear in ocean waves, light waves, sound waves and we have theories of gravity and time that this occurs which could indicate anomalies of a very interesting nature for many purposes such as anti-gravity travel, time travel, creation of time gates, movement of celestial bodies, etc. Now then what about creating rogue waves and then manipulating those waves to a point for substantial increases in cognitive abilities in the mind and then figure out how to sustain these for long periods for human-computer interaction, ESP, remote viewing, healing of the body or other noble intentions? Just some thoughts, more questions than answers, but significant data and many white papers on circular subject matter surrounding this premise. Perhaps this is worthy of some research?

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