Remember the television show about the nosy neighbor Mrs. Kravitz
always peeking out her window or over the fence, sometimes even
knocking on the door just to find out what was going on in her
neighborhood? If you don't wait a month or so and the DVD or
the movie will be out. Let's move on.
Spyware is not anything like Mrs. Kravitz, it won't knock on the
door and ask permission to be downloaded to your computer and
look at your personal files. It will slip onto your computer without
you knowing what's going on while you browse the Internet, check
your email or just leave your computer connected to the broadband
connection. Don't go yanking that Internet connection yet, there is
an easier way to prevent this from happening.
Understand that spyware is just that - software spying on your computer
without permission and without your knowledge. Unfortunately for
everyone a lot of people are using it and try to jsutify that it's okay.
I just want to know that if it's okay, them why don't you just ask me
to tell you - no I don't want my information, shopping habits, sites I've
searched for information or anything else on my computer being sent
to you to use anyway you see fit. I have a problem with that and so does
the rest of the world, which is one of the reasons why spyware exists.
The other reason this creepy piece of hackerware exists is because of
obsessed people who like to figure out ways to break into people's
computer and broadcast their info to millions. Now because this hackerware
keeps constantly changing not just any piece-meal solution can protect your
computers. Every computer needs to be protected from this menace and to
get the best protect we recommend STOPzilla - look at what it does: active
Popup killer, active Spyware killer, active Adware killer, active Cookie killer,
active History killer, and active Hi-Jack killer. And for all those who it hasn't
happened to yet, a Hi-Jack is when the browser's settings are altered by a
trojan without the user's knowledge or consent.
Browser hi-jack software also changes your home page, search page, adds
websites with objectionable content, and record web history to transmit
personal information back to what I refer to as a black hole. STOPzilla
kills all the above and works 24/7 including updating itself to keep up
with the ever changing hackerware.
Since you don't want any of these things to happen with your computer
save yourself the time and energy and get STOPzilla, right now.
Daviyd Peterson?2005 All Rights Reserved
Daviyd Peterson: 10-year consultant, instructor, trainer
Helps african american homeschools bridge the digital
divide by becoming computer homeschools. Free article
on "Computer based Homeschooling" and other related articles
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