If you are in the professional car care business you may be looking to expand your business, for that no one can blame you. But which add on service makes the most sense? You will have to make an honest assessment of your current clientele and decide that for your self. If you own a fixed site detail shop, a car wash or a mobile automotive appearance business there are many options to look at. Maybe you do not wish to add services right now? You will want to add services later, simply out of customer demand. Here are just some of the things you may wish to add as profit centers, these are fairly straight-forward and considered industry standards:
Gold Plating
Dent Repair
Windshield Repair
Pin Stripping and Graphics
Wood grain and Interior Paneling
Vinyl and Leather Repair
Paint Touch-Up
Engine Steam Cleaning
Rust Proofing
Odor Elimination
Appearance Plus has a web site which contains information on how to get into all of these types of add-on service modules. There web site address is www.appearance-plus.com, they are based in Florida. You may also wish to visit www.sema.org, which, contains several hundred pages of information. There are several gold plating companies to choose from and it is recommended that you shop around and not just for price. Good web sites are www.goldplating.com or www.americangoldplating.com.
For interior paneling we recommend Nuteriors call for prices and a catalog 1-800-780-3274. For Odor control you may want to check out Diamond Lustre at www.diamondlustre.com, they carry several types of Ozone machines. For Vinyl Repair try Dr. Vinyl at www.drvinyl.com they have a great system. You may also want to take a look at Refinish & Redye Co. out of Pennsylvania. You can also buy products from Fitzgerald's, their website is www.fitzgeraldsrestoration.com. For Dent Repair there are quite a few and you may wish to check out the following: The Paint Bull out of Michigan at www.paintbull.com, The Dent Doctor out of Arkansas, Dent Pro out of California at www.dentpro.com. For Paint Touch up there are also several such as Aero Colours, and Colors on Parade at www.colors.net. For graphics try a cool website for Auto Accessories Warehouse at www.aawi.com. I realize that there are so many choices that it is hard to choose. Biz Op, Franchise, Independent, co-brand, mix and match, decide not to decide which is also a decision?
You might even look to your right at the side bar and click on one of those listings as, these are extremely motivated sellers who buy Google AdWords and they want your business.
If you do not look into these additional opportunities are you missing the boat? Are you looking to make more money? Most of us are. The big question is what do you add first, what do you skip and what does your customer want to buy? Think on this and study your options well.
"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs