Have you noticed WordPerfect is gearing up for a comeback in a big way? And fortunately, they are succeeding. If you're like me, an ole' diehard WordPerfect 5 user, this is music to my ears. I love Microsoft Word, but I long for some of the features WordPerfect had to offer.
Among the great advancements WordPerfect has made are their OfficeReady products. These are customized template packages that allow you to pull up ready-made templates and customize them for your business. You can then easily prepare your documents, spreadsheets and presentations. PowerPoint presentations have never been easier, and if you want to design a newsletter for your business, this is the way to do it. I recommend that you check into the OfficeReady Business Basics and the OfficeReady Stationery Pack. It provides you with everything you need to set up letterhead, business cards, brochures, newsletters, fax cover sheet, etc. You can easily download some of the samples by going to http://www.corel.com site. Also, sign up for their newsletter and stay on top of the latest tips and techniques.
Here are some additional tips:
Creating Templates - Have a favorite letter or document you want to make into a template. Here's how:
FileNew from ProjectChoose OptionsCreate WP TemplateInsertFileSelect the document you wantInsertMake the changes to allow for it to be used as a templateFileCloseYes to save TemplateType a descriptionAdd in template name (what you want to call it)Select the category where you want the template storedChoose OK
Need to mark a spot on a page so that you can easily go to it when you open a document, perhaps so you can begin typing there, here's your answer:
Go to where you want the markToolsBookmarkClick on Set QuickmarkSave document
Then to call up that Quickmark
Open documentToolsBookmarkGo to Bookmark -- Bingo you're there!
Adding Multiple Hyperlinks
To create an easy way to type hyperlinks, especially those you use frequently, you can list those under Speedlinks and then just type in a keyword to utilize. When you need to use one of the hyperlinks you have created, you merely type in the keyword preceded by the @. For example @virtual is my keyword for http://wwwvirtualwordpublishing.com
ToolsClick on QuickCorrectClick on the SpeedLinks Tab.You'll see the two boxes there. The first box is the @name (keyword) and the second is the website destination. Now, add in your websites or add them in as you use themOkay
Then when typing a document you merely type @keyword [Enter] and your hyperlink will appear.
There are many places online you can go to get help for questions or the latest macros, shortcuts, and tips. If you haven't checked these out, I highly recommend doing so. Here are a few of my favorites:
http://www.wpuniverse.comhttp://home.earthlink.net/~wptoolbox - Barry MacDonald's wptoolbox. This site also has a complete listing of macros that he has created for you to use.http://www.wpwriter.comhttp://www.dougloudenback.com/wp/MacrosManual01.pdf -- This offers a free book, divided in different sections, on creating macros. Superb site!!http://www.microcounsel.com/WPTIPS.HTMhttp://www.officecommunity.com
Hope you found these tips helpful!
Diana Ennen is the author of numerous books including Virtual Assistant: the Series, Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA, Words From Home, Start, Run and Profit from a Home-Based Word Processing Business & the Home Office Recovery Plan. She specializes in publicity and book marketing and is president of Virtual Word Publishing http://www.virtualwordpublishing.com and http://www.Publicity-VA.com. Articles are free to be reprinted as long as the author's bio remains intact.