On Friday or Saturday evening my wife gets a movie from Block Buster and after dinner we sit, hold hands and watch. This week she brought back one that I think every investor or anyone contemplating investing in the market should see. It is called "Boiler Room".
How many times have you been called out of the blue by some no-name broker who wants to make you rich provided you buy shares in this great new issue or some stock that is just about to "take off".
Usually they start off with do I remember he called me 6 months ago and recommended so-and-so issue that is currently in the news because it has gone up 100 or 200%. He did not make that call and if he had I am sure I would not remember it. Also the name of his firm is one I never heard of, but it sounds very legitimate and he might even say they are affiliated with Chase Manhattan Bank or some other big bank. They might have their checking account with that institution, but otherwise they have no connection with them. Now he has another recommendation that is going to do even better that that one. Yes, and pigs can fly!
If you haven't done so yet don't let him go any further. Hang up. Oh, I know you can't because your mother taught you it is rude to hang up on people. Please, this time DON'T listen to your mother. He will try to get you into a conversation by asking simple questions that must be answered with a "Yes". Stop listening. If you can't bring yourself to hang up then put the phone down and walk away. In 10 minutes he will be gone to call another sucker.
There really are boiler rooms out there selling worthless securities and everything they do is 100% within the law and 100% immoral. How do I know this? I used to own a brokerage firm and I received monthly reports from the regulatory agencies outlining charges against these shady dealers. Fortunately, I did not have those problems as I would not allow hype to open accounts.
The things being told on the phone are usually too good to be true and that is a fact. Do yourself a favor and rent that movie. Not all brokerage firms are like this, but remember my basic rule.
Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy
It!" has helped thousands of people make money
and keep their profits with his simple 2-step
method. Read the first chapter at
and discover why he's the man that Wall Street
does not want you to know.
Copyright 2005