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The spring-loaded rat catcher is the ultimate low-tech device invented more than 100 years ago and remains the best demouser in the world. It is so simple anyone can master it and best of all you can keep on using it year in and year out. It always works.

Now I want to show you a killer method for earning 30% to 50% annually on your investments that is just as easy as the good old mousetrap. You will only be invested in the market when it is going up and you will buy only no-load mutual funds that are making more return than any of the other 8,500 funds available in the U.S.

Let's first understand that what I am about to explain your broker will tell you can't be done. Why? Because there are no commissions for him and even if he knew what I am about to tell he would not. That doesn't make him a bad guy, but it means he would have to start looking for another job.

First, you need to find an advisory service that has a simple market-timing indicator that doesn't trade too often, maybe once or twice per year and with a good real-time track record that goes back through several bear markets. There are a few, but you have to find one that you will be comfortable with.

Now that you have found a market-timer you need to understand that you don't have to be fully invested at all times. No broker understands the concept of cash as a position. He thinks you must always "have your money at work" even if the stocks he recommends are going down. Is that ever stupid or what? When the market is going down according to the market-timing indicator that is when you want to be fully invested in the green stuff. A money market fund.

There are so many mutual funds you might think it is difficult to find the best performing ones because there are only about 20 or 30. When you have a buy signal to move from cash to fully invested, you will need to look at Investor's Business Daily newspaper. In the second section they list each week the best performing funds for the past 3 months and 6 months. Those are the only no-load funds you want to buy. Never buy a load fund. Performance for 3 and 5 years is nonsense. You want the fund that is going up NOW not 5 years ago. You can locate other sources for best performing funds, but IBD is the easiest to find.

You see how simple this is. You are always invested in the best funds when the market is going up and you are always in cash when the market is going down. This is low tech like our simple yet effective mousetrap. Following this method is a killer way of making money every year and never losing when the stock market is going down.

Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.

Copyright 2005; 1-888-345-7870

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