ArticlesStrategic Planning

Akron OH; A great place to do business

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When looking at Akron carefully one cannot help but notice it's brilliant location to rivers, water, large cities and middle class consumer spending populations. With Canton to the South, high-end and growing Fairlawn to the North, Kent State and University of Ohio both a stones throw; the potential for any business is quite apparent. There are 160 trucking companies many of which are located in the area due to its proximity to large markets on a major freeway. Everything you want is there or can be delivered within days.

The Akron Chamber of Commerce was quite active with over 1900 members. Which has helped fuel small business growth, although of the 1950 businesses which started in 1998-2001, that same period posted some 1600 small business failures in the region, such a drop off rate is staggering and scary. Some say this was due to Wal-Marts and Box store growth on the South and North side of town causing regional shopping draw, some other problems being the worse than normal weather and the rain late into Spring. And of course the decade and a half paradigm shift in Manufacturing sector and the bust of the tech bubble and recent telecom layoffs which did hit Cleveland hard.

Today there is nothing but growth; housing, business, jobs and even manufacturing sector is rebounding. Surprising what a few tax cuts and some good economic development sense can do when you allow it to run its course. You may wish to look at the Akron and surrounding markets for expansion of your company or to add outlets. Akron has three in the green and it's all good.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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