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Sony?s PSI Project

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In 1989, Sony founded its Institute of Wisdom at the request of its founder Masaharu Ibuka and former chairman Akio Morita.

What the Institute did was something only whispered for a time. Sony had been reluctant to disclose their research, but apparently due to the nerve gas attack by the Japanese cult, which holds a number of occult and paranormal beliefs, Sony didn't want people to misunderstand or fear what the Institute was about.

According to the London INDEPENDENT ("Sony Senses a Market in ESP" by Richard Lloyd Perry, October 12, 1995), " 'Mr. Ibuka and Mr. Morita have long felt that there's more to science and technology than what is repeatable, universal and objective," a spokeswoman said. 'Some people have the ability to perceive beyond the five senses. This research is intended to investigate how this happens and why".

"The article was reprinted in an expanded form the same day in the San Francisco EXAMINER ("Sony Working to Prove ESP -- and Exploit It").

A special unit within the Institute, Extra-Sensory Perception Excitation Research (Esper), has reportedly worked with more than 100 people possessing psi abilities, with a great degree of success. " The company believes it has proved the existence of ESP, and is considering the possibility of machines that would enable us to communicate telepathically ... Much of the research focuses on the mysterious spiritual energy known as Ki, or Qi which forms the basis of a great deal of traditional Asian medicine"

According to the EXAMINER, the small research team is headed by "Yoishiro Sako, a former specialist in artificial intelligence" and is looking at the research on ki as that which may provide commercial applications.

He stated that "If we can understand the mechanism of telepathy it would totally transform communication methods".

The unit has also apparently experimented with spoon-bending, but reportedly the success rate was unimpressive, with PK seeming to work in private demonstrations, but disappearing as "recording equipment was introduced into the laboratory."

Mr Sakaguchi said a typical experiment involved having a qi gong practitioner put qi, or spiritual energy, into a glass of water and then having another practitioner detect which glass contained the qi.

They were right 70 per cent of the time, and if it was random guessing they would have been right only 50 per cent of the time," he said.

The experiments were repeated so often that any chances of a statistical fluke were ruled out, he said. Other experiments produced similar results for things like discerning hidden objects and detecting colors without looking, he said.

"We were unable to detect qi with any machine; it seems only people can detect it," he said.

Masaru Ibuga, one of Sony's founders, set up the ESP research center in 1991 after he became interested in qigong and other unexplained aspects of Chinese medicine.

Unfortunately the official project has stopped after his death. The archives of the project are not available for scholars and researchers.

I have a short video of the Sony project, and it shows a very impressive demonstration of PSI abilities. Perhaps one day soon we will see an ad for a Sony PSI machine.

Christopher Stewart is a Medical Intuitive assisting others in their healing process. His work is compassionate, uplifting and empowering. You can visit Christopher's website at for further information and to schedule a private consultation. You can also look for frequent updates to his blog at: Publisher's Guidelines: You may freely publish this article online, in email newsletters, or in print so long as the resource box and byline are in tact. Author would appreciate a notification, however that is optional.

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