
Emerging As Winners!

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People like to emerge as winners by hook or crook and this is what one gets landed up in. It is human nature to desire to become rich, powerful, popular and famous always and forever. On the surface, it appears that we are competing with everyone else in this world and running a never-ending rat race. It is natural for all human beings to desire and work for wealth, power and prestige. Jesus Christ and Buddha and many others emerged as winners in the sense their preachings enriched people in the spiritual sense. People like Bill Gates or Jamshedji Tata, Godraj emerged as winners because they established business which catered to the needs of others.

How do some people emerge as winners? Subconsciously human beings adopt WIN/WIN, WIN/LOSE, LOSE/WIN, and LOSE/LOSE options in their day-to-day transactions.

When both parties gain from a transaction it means that they have adopted the win/win approach and this attitude has enabled them to succeed.

But the world does not allow others to win. Obviously cutthroat competitions prevail and only one can emerge as a winner in the rat race. The tendency of the human beings is always to adopt the Win/Lose approach in which the first party tends to propose, plan and try for success at the cost of the second one. Business houses adopt such an approach in their advertisements when they decry the products/services of competitors while praising/exaggerating about their products/services. The advertisement media like TV, Video, Internet, Newspapers assist such groups in this regard.

It is very rare to come across the Lose/Win approach in this selfish world. It is theoretical and rare when an individual allows the other person to win at his cost. Very rarely we come across such approaches. These persons lead selfless lives caring for others.

Cantankerous business houses, illegal associations when they try to destroy themselves besides destroying others, adopt Lose/Lose approach. This is also becoming a common approach as the world tends to

Many adopt the win/lose approach but which one would suit all humans? The win/win approach suits all humans because everyone can succeed. But humans never care for this kind of approach because the tendency is to win over the other.

HPriya Sivan

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