Are you getting frustrated because the work you continue to do is not working? Are you afraid to make the money you once dreamed you would have? Everyone becomes frustrated one point in their life about where they are at and where they want to be at.
Have you ever gone to a conference or call into one of those 800 lines and when you get off the phone you are pumped to do the job? You are going to add 100 people in your down line? Let me ask you, Where were you at two weeks after that motivation speech? It is human nature to go back to our old habits. What do you do to get where you need to be? How do you learn and continue to follow the path of success?
First of all, I want you to write down your goals for the week, month, year and a goal for your life. Goals are very important in life. Why? Well because how will you know you got there if you did not know where you were going if you don't make goals. So sit down and search your life. Know where your life is taking you.
Second thing I need you to do is face your fear of being successful. If you are afraid to take the steps to being successful, you will never see just how much a true entrepreneur you are. How do you do that? Well you have to STOP right now feeling sorry for yourself.
Whatever happened in the past is the past. If you lost a job, get over it. If you have worked for a company for thirty years and they fired you to hire a younger person, get over it! Stop living for "This is enough". It is never enough. You need to strive to want more. You need to always keep your self-esteem on a high especially when you are making sales calls. You may need to meditate before you work. You may need to sit down with a co-worker and drive success in each others conversation. Feel what you are about to do. Are you ready to get out there and make some money? Not yet, Well after you read this article you will know what it takes to be successful.
You have to decide to have the strength to approach. Don't be afraid to talk to anyone. You must understand it is a survival importance in your business to prospect. Every company had to do this step. So you have to make up your mind that you will prospect and you will recover immediately if the person says" I am not interested".
Yes, You will recover immediately. You will not allow yourself to go back into the pity stage or blame the economy for that prospect to tell you no. You will have the confidence to close each sale. You may have already ran into hundreds of potential customers but if you did not close the sale. If you don't have the guts to talk about money, you will never get there. You have to be willing to talk about money. Be willing to ask for money. Be willing to do what it takes to close the sale.
Remember money is normally not the issue for the prospect. The issue is trust. So listen and give them what they need. Don't make the person feel like they are just a number. They are your client. Work to make this a daily routine. Every day know where you are going in your life. Look to see what you have to do each day to conquer this weeks goal, next weeks and in a year. Be confident in you.
Finally,remember success is right in front of you but you do have to work for it.
Own the right to be successful.
Michaele McMillan is the owner of The Perfect Image,( a Business Resource Site for Work at Home Parents. Also she owns Auction Village USA( She has over 12 years of experience in helping people be successful with their business.