
People Are Who They Want To Be

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Choice isn't always a matter of being able to choose what happens to us. Life happens, and often without any say from us. However, our circumstances do not determine who we become. Only we have the choice to determine that. Everyone is who he or she wants to be, regardless of what one might think. We all have choices and each choice leads to the creation of who we are.

There is a great quote that states, "Everybody's a self-made man; but only the successful ones are ever willing to admit it.". It does seem that we are more than willing to take credit for the success we have become in life, but less willing to own the areas where we are not so successful. The credit for those areas that are not so perfect seem to be reserved for our childhood, parents, a bad boss, spouse and on and on. However, in the end only, we can determine how the people and events in our lives will affect us. We can let them drag us down or we can use them as building blocks for a strong personal foundation.

One only has to read the stories of successful people to know that adversity seems to be a common denominator of those who made it. Few successful people had success handed to them on a platter. Most worked, struggled and experienced their share of failures. What is different about these people is that they didn't let these adversities get in their way. They actually used adversity to build on. They turned their stumbling blocks into a paved highway to a better life.

It all boils down to choice. It isn't what happens to you that matters as much as what you do with what happens to you that makes the difference. We have all met with disappointments, failures and challenges. The difference is some people let those events stop them while others use them to build a bridge and move on.

Coach Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD, is a Certified Master Coach specializing in working with business owners and professionals in being more profitable and productive while staying sane and balanced. Coach Lee is the publisher of the award winning e-zine, 365 Days of Coaching. Her first book, 365 Days of Coaching ? Because Life Happens Every Day (Universal Publisher, 2004) was named a finalist for Best Book 2004 by and has a five star rating on Visit Coach Lee at her websites and True Direction, Inc. Copyright > > > This article along with byline attached may be freely republished < <

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