
The Fastest Way to Success

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Your mind is the only tool that can create success in your life! If you don't believe me, just ask yourself what's stopping you? If other people can do it, why can't you? Are you afraid? Do you think that you can't do it? Do you have trouble staying on track? Do you think that you need to know, be, or do more before you can become successful?

What we think about and how we think about it is what creates success or failure in life. If you thought about the things that Donald Trump thinks about, in the same way that he thinks about them, then you would be a billionaire very soon.

Any successful person will tell you that your mind is the one thing that can stop you cold. You know that I'm right because you have experienced it your self, we all have. What's holding you back from success?? your mind is!

But how does that happen? How can we overcome it? How can we use our mind to move us forward when we feel that something is holding us back?

The first step in learning to create success is to accept our current situation. That takes our mind off of the problem and releases a huge amount of power that can be used to create what we do want. Then we simply take that same power and feed it into our imagination to create new possibilities for success.

Here is a simple technique to use when you feel like you're being held back from success in anything. Ask yourself the following questions in the order they are written below. Take the time to really think about each question and then answer in the positive.

ASK YOURSELF, "Can I admit to myself that I am being held back??" ANSWER YOURSELF, "Yes I can!"

ASK YOURSELF, "Can I accept this situation as a starting point and then move on toward success??" ANSWER YOURSELF, "Yes I can!"

ASK YOURSELF, "If there was a way for me to move from this situation to a more successful situation, what would it be??"

You'll be amazed at how many ideas come to mind!

We all have a powerful mental tool called focus. We use that power all the time, but because we don't realize that we control it and it controls our lives, we generally use it backwards and therefore create what we don't want. We blame our circumstances, but in reality the problem is that we focus our energy and attention on our problems rather than the solutions to our problems. If we learn to accept what is and then to focus on what we really want, we open the door to new success and happiness in life. That's the first step to real and lasting success?

? Randy Marcus For additional answers check out Randy's new ebook, "Your Power to Succeed!"

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