? What are traffic exchanges?
Traffic exchanges are used by 100,000 + people who are
interested in the same goals as you are, marketing your
product and services.
? How do traffic exchanges work?
Simply put, a group of people (myself included) who agree to
surf and view pages created by other people.
? What benefits do traffic exchanges bring you?
The first way is in Traffic Exchange Programs, brings people
who are interested in what product or service you have to
? What is a down line?
A down line is where you have the opportunity to increase
traffic to you site by having others sign in under you and
promote your service for you without any extra work on your
? How to build down lines?
There are no magical ways to increase your down lines except
by uploading your article and waiting for it to be spidered
by the search engines.
Your best bet is to pick 2 traffic generating articles, and
you also need a spider to crawl your site. It's always
better to let the spiders find your pages on their own.
? How many levels do you get credit for?
Most Traffic Exchanges have a down line of 7 or so, needless
to say the possibilities are there for continued growth
? What kind of traffic exchange programs works best?
Well, that all depends on your personal needs. There are 2
different types of ways you could go about it, continue to
use the free version of the program you have picked until
you have a big enough down line. Once you have a half
decent down line under you, you might want to upgrade Pro so
you receive more benefits than the guy who chooses the Free
version (like money and freebies).
? What can you do to improve traffic to your site?
Pick two favorite programs that you've come to trust and
work them (don't get discouraged, keep plugging away),
submit those articles to article announcement groups, send a
notice out to your subscribers letting them know about your
traffic exchange programs
Don't be a Rabbit by jumping from one program to another,
decide on which programs you're interested in and stick with
them, promote you business, continue to do what works for
you. Traffic Exchanges can be a great resource if you put
in just a few minutes extra a day.
? Traffic Swarm or
? Fly-in-Ads or
? BOTH (recommended)
Test Your Headlines Using Traffic Exchange Programs
Click on the link for more info.
Brian Holte is the owner of http://www.theebookking.com and frequent user of both traffic exchanges listed above.