Learning how to convert visitors to your web site into
buyers, is the single most important factor affecting the
success of your online business. If you don't have paying
customers, your business will fail.
FACT: "50% of Visitors are LOST because visitors can't
easily find content" - Gartner Group
FACT: "40% of Repeat Visitors are LOST from negative
experience" - Zona Research
FACT: "85% of Visitors ABANDON a new site due to
poor design" - cPulse
FACT: 70% of people who are ready, willing and able to
buy online - don't complete the sale.
Just imagine, if you can improve your web site's conversion
rate, you have the potential to increase your sales by over
233%. And you can do it without spending any more on
advertising, or bringing any more traffic to your site.
Knowing how to increase your site's conversion of visitors
into buyers can skyrocket your sales with the same exact
amount of traffic you have now.
So how do you convert more of the visitors to your site into
buyers? One of the most important ways to increase your
site's conversion rate is to improve your site's copy.
The purpose of the copy on your web site is to explain to a
visitor how your product will fulfill their wants and
desires. Notice I said "wants and desires", not "needs".
It's important to realize that people primarily buy based on
what they want, not what they need. The first step in
improving your web site's copy is to understand the wants
and desires of your customers.
Next, make sure your copy is focusing on providing solutions
to problems that are important to your customers. Review
your copy and be sure it mainly talks about the benefits the
customer will get by buying your product, and not about your
product' s features.
A feature is what your product does. A benefit is want your
product does FOR your customer. You customer is only
interested in what your product is going to do to make their
life better.
Be sure that your copy focuses on your customer instead of
on you and your company. Your site's copy should talk about
"you" and "your", instead of "me", "my" and "our". Your
customer is interested in themself, not you or your company.
Your sales copy needs to:
1) Grab the visitor's attention with a powerful headline
2) Draw the reader's interest by creating a connection
between their problem or desire and your solution
3) Peak their Desire by making an emotionally
compelling & believable case for your product
4) Motivate the reader to take action and fulfill their
wants by their purchasing your product or service.
Online or offline, conversion is the key to business
success. Your copy is your site's salesperson. On the
Web, improving your copy is the first step to doubling your
sales without spending another dime on advertising.
(c) Mark Jarmel - All Rights reserved
Mark Jarmel & the Editors of Trafficology.com co-authored
the eBook: "How to Flood Your Website With Targeted Traffic"
Learn scientifically PROVEN methods to TRIPLE your profits
FR'EE at: http://www.4-targeted-web-site-traffic.com