The problem with designing your site as a graphic, is that
it would take too long to load. Your visitors would leave
your site immediately and move to your competitors web
site. How can you resolve this?
Slicing graphics into a number of sections, then putting
them together in tables is a great way to layout your web
site. It cuts down on the time for providing a quick design
for a potential client. It also allows you to bring
elements of your site together that would be difficult to
do with tables.
The value of slicing graphics
Reduces site loading time - a large graphic or many
graphics on one web page will slow down your loading time
considerably. Slicing graphics will allow each piece to
load separately and at a faster rate.
Easy layout and design - web pages usually consist of
headlines, photos and text which must all fit together to
create a design that is aesthetically pleasing for your
visitors. When you create a web graphic it always must have
a rectangular space. You are limited to placing graphics
and text in a rectangular form. However, if you slice the
graphic into pieces, you can then place these pieces into
the cells of a table on your web page.
How to layout a web page using sliced graphics
Please refer to the example:
1. Create a 730 x 600 graphic in your favorite graphic
editor (I use Fireworks from Macromedia).
2. Import a graphic from the harddrive of your computer
or from the Web.
3. Create a headline (insert text) above the graphic
as a banner for your web page.
4. Switch on "Rulers" to precisely slice your graphic
view - rulers)
5. Select the slice tool, and slice your graphic into
6 sections.
6. Save the sliced graphic in a folder in your html editor
(file-export wizard-export-save)
Use these settings before saving your graphic:
File Name: header
File Type: html and images
HTML: Export HTML file
Slices: Export Slices
Fireworks saves you a lot of design time, by creating the
necessary tables to hold all your slices.
7. Open up your favorite html editor (I use Dreamweaver) to
view your graphic layout. You should now have 6 separate
sections (slices). In this case I have the main header
banner, the house and a large area of white space to hold
the text in place.
8. Delete the slices (white space area) which have no
graphics. You will now have 6 tables.
9. Merge together the tables where you will insert the
10. Add the text and whatever else you need to fill the
web page.
That's it!
You have now designed a web page using sliced graphics.
Remember this slicing method for your future web designs.
You'll find that it's much easier to produce dazzling
Test the loading time of your web pages (
It should be less than 10 seconds with a 56K modem. If it
takes longer than that, slice your graphic into smaller pieces.
Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Affordable
Web Site Design and Web Hosting. Subscribe to his
"Marketing Tips" newsletter for more original articles at You can read more of his
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