
7 Ways to Turn Readers Into Friends

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Back in my school days, if the teacher demanded a term paper I knew just what to do. I quickly researched the report, and wrote it as fast as I could.

Next, I reached for a thesaurus and looked up complicated, multi-syllable synonyms for my easy words. This turned my paper into a complex, obtuse mess.

That was wrong, wrong, wrong! Once I started to write for a living, I quickly discovered that if readers don't understand something, they simply quit reading!

So how can you make your writing less formal, more personal, and turn readers into interested friends? Here are some ideas I've stumbled across:

1. Think about a specific reader when you write. I usually picture a family member. This tends to make my writing less formal.

2. Ask a question. Example: "Do you ever get bored reading a long, complicated report?"

3. Propose a solution. Example: "Here's a way to alleviate afternoon boredom."

4. Present new evidence: Example: "My brother ? a historian ? claims he's discovered three new traits about medieval knights."

5. Offer free advice. Example: "I've found a new way to write research papers."

6. Share a shortcut. Example: "Here's a timesaving method to exercise better and more efficiently."

7. Tell how or why you started a project. Example: "I started this company with one goal: to help people find the job best suited for them."

Rix Quinn wrote the book of writing tips "Words That Stick." It's available at

For more information on his frequent phone seminars, e-mail him at

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