Here's a depressing fact if you sell anything on the web:
the #1 reason people go online is not to buy things but to
find free information.
But that's great news - if you write free articles. It
means you have a technique you can plug in and use whenever
you need more traffic.
Writing articles is still one of the quickest and easiest
ways of bringing targeted traffic to your website. Articles
will bring you traffic from three sources:
=> Newsletters - very few ezine publishers write their own
content. They need free articles from people like you.
=> Websites - webmasters want content-rich websites. They
also need your articles.
=> Search Engines - the URL in your resource box increases
your link popularity, resulting in higher search engine
rankings for your website
Here are some tips for getting more traffic from your
1. Start your article with a sentence that grabs your
reader's attention. People are bombarded with information
on the Internet - they'll decide whether to read your
article in the first sentence. If it intrigues them, if it
startles them, if it excites them, if it engages them, if
it challenges them, they'll keep reading.
2. Submit your articles to the article announcement lists.
Here are the lists I submit to:
3. Submit your articles to the online article banks. Here
are the top 10 article banks:
4. Create a 'New Articles' list for people who want to
receive your latest articles. Put a sign-up form on your
website and invite your visitors to join. When you submit
articles to the article announcement lists, include the
email address for joining your 'New Articles' list.
5. Don't put a date in your article copyright - articles
you wrote 2 years ago may still be relevant but if the
copyright says 2001, publishers will assume the
information is out-of-date.
6. Create a zip file containing all your previous articles
as text files - include the download link on your website,
in your sig file, in your autoresponders, and in your
Ezine 'Welcome Message'.
7. Check your articles with SpamAssassin by sending
your article to this address with 'TEST' in the subject field:
Then include a note that says "this article was checked by
SpamAssassin and is spam-safe".
8. Write your Resource Box in the third person and not in
the form an ad - Ezine Publishers may like your article but
object to your Resource Box.
9. When you submit your articles to the article lists,
include URLs for your article and your photo:
10. Likewise, include your article's autoresponder address:
Well, that's it - all the information you need to get more
traffic from your articles!
Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3
years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this
simple technique to build a successful online business. Click
here to find out more: