Any business today, be it online or off needs a solid foundation,
without one a business will topple.
Think of your business as a skyscraper, each level or floor is a
different function within your business. Your skyscraper may
contain a newsletter floor, an automated follow-up floor, a floor
for free reports, an eCourse floor, a networking floor and so on.
The height of your particular skyscraper (business) depends upon
how many floors or functions operate within your business, each
is important and one does not function without a strong foundation.
The "foundation" of all of these floors is based upon email marketing.
Think about it for a second. Your skyscraper did not start to build
it's floors without first starting with email marketing and the building
of a good, solid list. You certainly would not have a newsletter floor
without a list. If you didn't have a list, then who would you send your
newsletter to? No need for an automated follow-up floor, because if
you didn't do email marketing, you didn't gather an email address from
a prospect, therefore there is no need to follow-up.
Look at your "skyscraper" and you will notice that email marketing is its
foundation and that ALL of your floors center around email marketing.
Ok, so we have determined that email marketing is the foundation of
your business. We are referring to ebusiness here, however, in the
"real world" you have lists as well, client lists, business cards you
have collected of prospects, and of course have put them into a
database, or "list." The point is, although we are focusing on eBusiness,
the foundation is the same regardless if it is a business online or off,
it just has a different label.
When we refer to foundation, typically we refer to a building and any
architect will tell you the deeper the foundation, the taller the building.
How tall the building is able to stand will is related to how deep the
foundation is laid.
Your "skyscraper" (building) works on the same premise. You don't need
just a list - you require a "deep" foundation of email marketing.
So, with that said, what do I mean by deep? Ah, ok, before you read
further, grab that coffee, settle into your chair, read and learn, for
once you have learned about the foundation of YOUR "skyscraper"
there are no limits to how tall it will be. Ready??? Ok, let's get rolling.
Diversity - we mentioned floors, a newsletter floor, eCourse floor, and
automatic follow up floor. Do we use our email marketing to build just
one list and use that list for all our floors? No, we have lists and even
sub-lists, lists being the operative word here meaning we have more than
just one, we have many lists. When you buy stocks you don't put your
money into just one, right? No, you diversify. you spread your money
around. With email marketing we build and spread ourselves around
and have more than one means of generating and building our lists.
Effective - having several lists is fantastic! But, (yes, have to hate
those "buts") you have to know how to work them effectively to get
the maximum advantage out of them. Quantity is great, but it doesn't
mean "jack" if there is no quality. You need to know how to work those
lists in order to turn a prospect into a customer.
Education - you can't just throw on the "Siberia Polyester Suit" and
expect to hard sell your prospects or subscribers. You need to build
trust and create a rapport with them. You do that by educating them.
Give them something that will help them, give them good, quality content
and valuable information that they can sink their teeth into. You are
essentially building a relationship with them. In the 'real world" you
get to know your customers because they come back to your store, time
and time again, why? People will do business with people they know,
like and trust, it is no different online. Give your prospects information
they can use and you will create the trust, rapport and yes, they will buy
from you.
Proactive - you have to think ahead, constantly and consistently think about
ways to build your lists and to provide your prospects with good content. Keep
putting that content out there in front of them so they can keep purchasing
from you. If you develop a product of your own or use someone else's think
ahead, ask yourself, now what can I do to make this more effective and
deepen my foundation. Can you include something that would add value
that builds upon the relationship you have with your prospect while at the
same time adds to your lists? Think proactively and as they say "outside the
Well now, you have a good working knowledge of what a "deep" foundation
with respect to your skyscraper and that, that foundation is "email marketing."
You understand that diversity is where it's at, the more out there building lists
for you the better. Once you have these lists you need to be effective in how
you work them and to do that you educate them. Give them something that they
can sink their teeth into and use in their own business. Build that relationship
with them, build the trust and rapport and they will buy from you again and
again. Finally, you have learned to always think ahead and always ask yourself
"how can I use this to build a list?"
There is nothing more important than building lists. Everything you do should be
structured around adding more prospects - with their permission - to some sort
of list you have going, be it your newsletter, your eCourse, a free eBook, whatever
the case may be. your function as the Architect of your skyscraper is to build and
keep building the foundation, through email marketing and YOUR lists.
How do you build lists and grow an even deeper foundation? Well, I already gave
you a few ideas, build your lists through offering a newsletter, eCourse and Free
Reports, the possibilities are only as limited as your imagination.
Need a little more help??
Then checkout Autopilot Income Streams - this eBook is one that I highly recommend
and use on a consistent basis. It will help you develop eCourses - which can be turned
into a Report or eBook and use as an effective viral marketing tool. Check it out
Denise Ryder is a Marketing Coach writing from her home
office in Northern Ontario (Canada). Imagine What You
Could Accomplish With a Marketing Coach in Your Back
Pocket! Take the No Cost TEST DRIVE!